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All Natural Eczema Cure

  • Here is what you will learn in the Beat Eczema guide
  • How to Eliminate eczema without the use of medication
  • How to treat your infant’s or your child’s eczema (special section with special treatments just for your child)
  • How to stop the itching
  • How to eliminate dry skin forever
  • Focus on the root cause of eczema - rather than the symptoms
  • How to be totally free from pain and sleep soundly at night
  • How to stop using dangerous steroids
  • Learn the causes of eczema and how to eliminate them
  • How to slow down your skin aging process.
  • How to create younger, toned, firm skin - guaranteed
  • How to unleash your body’s natural ability to heal itself from all skin complaints.
  • Much, Much More

The system is all natural and easy to use. You are just minutes away from taking your first steps to having beautiful skin.

In less than 2 weeks, you will be totally free from eczema, living without the constant scratching, feeling free to expose your arms and legs. All you need do is follow the plan.

"Beat Eczema" is a step by step guide that shows you how you can eliminate adult or child-eczema within a few days. All you need do is use the readily available natural products in the correct proportions at the correct times.

Here is just one example of the many pictures that get sent to me to show the amazing before and after results of curing eczema.

Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 277 | Date: 2010-01-21

Stop Sweating And Start Living

Now You Can Stop Imagining and Make It a Wonderful New Reality with the "Stop Sweating and Start Living” eBook!

The solution revealed in my ebook is not what you think:

  • It's not another so-called "high-power” antiperspirant

  • It's not a lotion, cream or injection

  • It does not involve painful surgery or medical treatment

  • It's not a prescription or non-prescription drug

  • It's not a supplement or "natural” pill

  • It's not a painful electrical current treatment

  • It's not a vitamin or diet recommendation

  • It does not involve hypnosis or mind exercises

  • It's not like anything you've heard of before ...

Are you wondering what the remedy revealed in my ebook is?

The "Stop Sweating and Start Living” remedy is a practical and unique treatment that permanently gets rid of your underarm sweat problem – naturally and without side effects.

It's a simple process that takes 30 seconds a day, using readily available and inexpensive products (you may already have them in your home). It's easy to incorporate into your morning or evening routine, and it will keep your sweat problem away for the rest of your life!

This Remedy Has Already Worked for Thousands of People – And It Will Work for You as Well!

Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 275 | Date: 2010-01-21

Fat Burning Furnace: Update(1/10)...Sales Double As January Hits!

Diets That Work?  Forget It!...

You WON'T lose weight fast and keep it off by just eating low carb diets, low fat diets, or low calorie diets. The truth is, fast weight loss that lasts comes down to a diet that works, but that is right for you. You're going to discover an easy way to trick your body into burning more calories by eating more with these delicious and healthy fat burning foods that satisfy your cravings...

Cardio Doesn't Work...

Those long and frequent cardio or aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs are the WORST WAY to burn fat. You're going to see how to almost triple your fat loss and fitness results by exercising in the complete OPPOSITE manner with these tips for just 45 minutes a WEEK...with no cardio at all!

You Can't Lose Belly Fat With Crunches & Sit-ups...

1000's of crunches, sit ups, or those crappy infomercial abs gizmos WILL NOT allow you to lose belly fat or give you a flatter stomach and certainly not six pack abs. You're going to learn how to lose stomach fat 5 times faster with these full body exercises that don't actually target your abs at all...
Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 258 | Date: 2010-01-21

 Truth About Abs  
  • Shocking foods that burn belly fat
  • 2 so-called "health" foods that you should NEVER eat (they can actually increase stomach fat)
  • Motivation secrets for lifelong fitness success
  • 1 unique "trick" to reduce junk-food cravings
  • Weird workouts that burn abdominal fat faster than typical "cardio"
  • The TRUTH about getting flat abs without bogus "fat burner" pills

Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 281 | Date: 2010-01-21

Burn your Belly Fat

"No Magic Pills... No Fad Diets... No Calorie-Counting...
It's The The Best Tip Ever For Real-World Weight Loss
And It Can Help YOU Finally Get That Trim, Toned Body
You Desire To See In The Mirror Every Morning Too...”

Discover For Yourself...
 Why almost every diet is set up to fail you right from the start...
 How you can fool your body into thinking it's not on a "diet" while still burning fat day and night...
 When to eat your favorite foods and how to "set your body up" to use these foods to actually burn MORE FAT...
 How you can jump-start your fat-burning engine in less than 48 hours...
 Why "magic pills" are not the answer... AND what safe, natural supplements actually DO work...
 And... exactly how to do it... step-by-step... so you always know what to do and what to eat.
Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 274 | Date: 2010-01-21

Weight Loss Facts:

Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.  

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets.  Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes.  This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either.   In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau).   You can never get slim by starving yourself.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan.  Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people.   Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long.  This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?

Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week.  Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program.  While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below... 

Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 278 | Date: 2010-01-21

No Nonsense Muscle Building

It's a training system I developed after uncovering those long-lost fitness secrets. And I put all these explosive tactics together in one amazing program!

Here's just a taste of what you're going to be let in on. The same tactics that I GUARANTEE will turn you from the "little guy" to "that pumped up guy" everyone in the gym stares at in awe.

Discover the #1 most critical muscle building ingredient you can't grow without.
More important than training, nutrition, supplementation and even more than anabolic steroids! Don't do this and you have no chance of building your perfect body!
Learn exactly how to eat and which foods naturally build slabs of muscle on your body.
Learn how to eat and shop properly, without having to eat endless amounts of calories which only makes you fat in the process. Learn which foods build granite-hard muscle like the flip of a switch and which foods will prevent any chance of getting ripped and muscular.
Side step the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym.
By simply avoiding these suicide training techniques that 98% of trainees do, you will make twice the gains in half the time! You'll be training smarter… not harder and the results will blow your mind.
Maximize the top 9 little known anabolic secrets for hyper-drive muscle gain.
Every single one of these principles MUST be executed to build even one pound of muscle.  You will not casually discover these rules on any website or in any fitness magazine.  Once you learn to exploit each one consistently, your growth will explode! Bodybuilders at your gym will be coming to YOU for advice! You're no longer on the outside looking in.
Gain 10 pounds in 2 weeks (Did I stutter? This is no lie!)
With my mass gaining plans, you will eat to grow huge. I tell you exactly what to eat and how much to eat, to ensure you get maximum growth. I guarantee this is unlike any eating plan you've ever heard of and I GUARANTEE you SERIOUS muscle gains. Yes… 10 pounds of solid muscle in 2 weeks! Imagine the instant change in your appearance. Stay out of sight for 2 weeks and when you return, you're like the "Incredible Hulk!"
Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body's most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.
These are the same hormones bodybuilders and professional athletes shoot with 5 inch needles into their asses. I'll show you how to NATURALLY switch your body's own anabolic hormones into overdrive. You will maximize your workout and bulk up fast.
Steal two of my closely guarded 29-week weight training routines.
The same routine "the rich" pay me boatloads of cash to teach them! Let me take you by the hand and show you EXACTLY how to pair your muscles. How many sets you must do. How many reps. How much weight. How much rest. And most importantly… how fast to move the weight and when to change the program. You have NEVER seen this program in ANY fitness magazine or on ANY bodybuilding website. The results will make you look for every opportunity to take your shirt off in public!
Stop getting scammed and unearth the insider secrets about supplements.
Sure most people know that supplement companies are far from honest, but what I reveal will outrage you! Some of these companies are more than liars and it is safe to say even CRIMINAL! The long arm of the supplement industry is sabotaging you.  And here's the worst part. They're doing it out of pure greed!
And that's just a sample of the long-lost but widely-proven muscle building secrets you will use to create massive bulk - simply and quickly - whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced trainee.

Carve your 6 pack or upgrade to an 8 pack!

Create that button-popping "Incredible Hulk" chest.

Construct sleeve-ripping arms.

Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 308 | Date: 2010-01-21

Release depression in 14 Days - My Life 6 CD set

My Life-A 14 day Solution to Depression~

Package includes:
11 Hypnotherapy sessions on 6 CDs that will change the way you look at life, create a positive mental outlook that will affect your health, your emotional state and your spiritual enlightenment.

Self Hypnosis Stress Relief: Teach your body to lower your blood pressure, release your stress, and let life feel easy and peaceful. Learn the power of self hypnosis and mind mastery. Stop anxiety with the deep hypnosis triggers.

Relax to the Max: A FIVE MINUTE stress relief that will make you feel better in just minutes.

Sunlight: Depression is often the result of a lack of sunshine. This session will create the sensation of sunshine and give you a wonderful lift in your energy and mood.

Singing for Health: Learn to sing with joy and have the confidence to sing from your soul. Experience the healing powers of your own voice.

Healing Garden: Healing Temple, and instant healing session. This session will focus on the physical and emotional healing that will lift you up from the darkness. In addition to the 25 minute healing garden, there is a 5 minute instant healing session.

Anger into Power: This CD helps you stay focused when angry, not lose your temper, and instead, communicate effectively with clarity. You will not lose your temper, you will feel calm and clear headed when faced with a challenge.

Lucky You: A fun CD that makes you the luckiest person alive. You can create good luck when you have clear expectations and are aligned with the universe. Get hypnotized and get lucky now!

Release Negative Anchors:  The mind associates the things around us with negative and positive memories. These become anchors to make us feel bad and good emotions.  Find and release those negative anchors in your life. Free yourself from the unconscious negative emotions that were bringing you down.

Depression Buster: This session will help you to create the ideal brain chemistry for good mental health and to feel better right away. Feel good again.

Wake up Sleepyhead: Program your mind to wake up alert and energized in the morning. You will be excited about jumping out of bed every day. Morning Meditation
Create a positive outlook for your day, as you awaken slowly to my voice guiding you with positive thoughts. You create your day, starting with the wisdom and belief that you have the power to create what you really want.

Clear Plastic Bag
A unique journey of self discovery that will allow you to discover that you are whole and complete. This one can be a big relief as it helps you release the burdens, judgments, and pressures of many aspects of your life.

Release depression in 14 Days

Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 301 | Date: 2010-01-23

Hypnosis to enhance the sexual response for women

Hypnosis to enhance the sexual response for women.

Relax and enjoy sex more!
Sensual Pleasures. A journey of erotic hypnotic pleasure.

This one is for the women. If you have wanted to enjoy a more adventurous sex life, fantasize more, and even enjoy giving oral pleasure to your partner but you just don't like it much, this is for you.

The hypnosis session will help you feel really turned on by going out of your comfort zone a little. You will feel the sensations of desire becoming stronger as you focus on his pleasure. This is an interesting method of creating sexual desire in your own body and mind as a result of doing this for him.

Some women say they get really turned on just thinking about doing that to him! How fun for both of you!

Track 1- Journey of pleasure- to turn you on the the experience of giving head. Your mind and body will connect with your inner desire for pleasure, and create massive pleasure for you while you are focusing on him.

Track 2- The Passion Flower- A story to ignite your deepest desires about sexual adventure. LIsten to this hypnotic journey and allow your inner mind to be swept away into lands of pleasure and desire. You really can learn to let your body respond, to feel more sensual and to be more adventurous sexually.
Hypnosis to enhance the sexual response for women


Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 303 | Date: 2010-01-23

End Back Pain - No more suffering
Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 319 | Date: 2010-01-23

Eat This! - Stop sugar cravings and night time hunger
Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 297 | Date: 2010-01-24

Learn to access your natural ability to release any unwanted thought or feeling. This will allow you effortlessly manage stress in your life, moment to moment. You will feel a greater sense of relaxation, confidence, wellness and vitality. You will also find that you are able to leave behind nasty habits such as smoking, over-eating, and other addictions that may now be used for temporary relief from stress.

 The Sedona Method is a simple set of techniques anyone can learn and use, moment to moment throughout the day without anyone knowing. The Sedona Method has been used by thousands world-wide, endorsed by some of the biggest names in the personal development industry and proven more effective by Harvard University studies than other forms of stress reduction techniques. The Sedona Method includes a 45-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

Learn for yourself how powerful this course can be for you. Order now!


Learning Online | Transitions: 345 | Date: 2010-01-31

Natural Cure For Diabetes

North American Herb & Spice, Natural Cure For Diabetes, Book
Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 381 | Date: 2010-01-31

''Diabetes & Hypoglycemia'' by Michael T. Murray, N.D. - 176 Pages, Paperback Book

Now You Can Combat Diabetes and Hypoglycemia—Naturally!

Struggling with frequent headaches, fatigue, irritability, or depression? Your body may be fighting a blood sugar imbalance. Diabetes and hypoglycemia, the major causes of blood sugar imbalance, are the most common of all diseases and can lead to chronic metabolic problems. Often, traditional medications treat only specific symptoms of these diseases without treating the whole body. Diabetes and Hypoglycemia offers the answers you need to take control of your blood sugar metabolism by using natural, healthful methods.

Dr. Michael T. Murray is one of the world’s foremost authorities in nutritional and natural medicine. Author of the bestselling books Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and The Complete Book of Juicing, Dr. Murray has inspired many to begin a more natural way of treating disease. In Diabetes and Hypoglycemia, Murray presents a step-by-step approach, offering advice on topics such as:

·Early symptoms and proper diagnosis
·Lifestyle choices and exercise
·Dietary guidelines, including 25 recipes
·Herbal remedies for blood sugar control
·Blood sugar imbalance and related cardiovascular diseases
·and much, much more!

By learning the facts about using natural, whole-body alternative, you can break the cycle of medication and begin a healthful, balanced way of life!
Health education Ebooks, CD | Transitions: 281 | Date: 2010-02-05

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