Zero Nicotine Patch is a stop smoking aid. With its unique blend of ingredients, Zero Nicotine offers you a new aid in the battle of nicotine addiction and the chance to finally kick the habit for good! If you are serious about your decision to quit, you�ve come to the right place.
The Patch is easy to use, discrete when applied and works as a daily reminder of your dedication to looking great. Simply apply one patch and wear it for three days then replace it with another patch. You can place the patch on the back of your arm, lower back or any other comfortable discrete location. Each box contains 10 patches which is a one month supply.
What are the Ingredients of the Zero Nicotine Patch Formula?
How long will one box last? Each box contains 10 powerful patches. Each patch is to be worn for three days. One box contains a one month supply of patches.
Are there any side effects? IWe are not aware of any drug interactions. Zero Nicotine contains no nicotine or other drugs. The formula is completely herbal and all-natural. If you have any medical concerns you may review the ingredients with your doctor or healthcare professional. For more information regarding the use of Herbal Supplements please visit our Herbal Safety Guidelines.
About the bioabsorbability of the Zero Nicotine Patch The bioabsorbability of the ingredients in this patch have not been evaluated or clinically tested. The degree to which these ingredients are absorbed through the skin may vary from consumer to consumer.
How do you use the Zero Nicotine Patch? Place one patch in a different place on the skin every three days. It is recommended that the patch be placed on a hair-free area, if at all possible to avoid irritation when removing the patch. Do not place the patch on the genitals or the face.
Can I shower with the patch? Yes. The unique application and adhesive of this patch allows you to shower, swim, workout and sleep with the patch without ever having to worry about it coming off.
Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally It is a well-known fact that withdrawal from nicotine is very unpleasant. In fact, it is the single thing that causes even the most committed quitters to go back to smoking. What makes the Zero Nicotine patch so amazing is that it combines the all-natural healing properties of a unique variety of traditional herbal formulas to completely and naturally eliminate your body�s need for nicotine. Try Zero Nicotine, and take the first step to claiming your life back. Order the stop smoking patch today!