The Electronic Cigar is smoking alternative and nonflammable electronic atomizing device that adopts the advanced microelectronic technology and supercritical physical atomized technology. The liquid in the cartridge contains nicotine, perfumery compound special for cigar and ordinary food additives. It is like smoking an ordinary cigar. The few essential differences between the Electronic cigar and the ordinary cigars/cigarettes are as follows:
* No tar and other carcinogenic substances or harmful ingredients to human body. * No ignition required, hence it does NOT contain any of the 4000+ chemical toxins found in the common cigarette or cigar. * Harmless to other people and environment without the danger of second- hand smoking. * No possibility to cause fire. It can be used safely in No-smoking places. * According to the smoke-quitting procedure that target of quitting smoke can be reached non-painfully within a certain period of time.
Product Characteristics
* No ignition and no fire hazard. Free of tar and other carcinogenic substance or harmful ingredients. * Humanized design, the temperature of the simulative smog is similar to that of the human body. * No environmental pollution. The exhaled smoke is a kind of gas dispersion, generated during the atomization of alkaloid liquid; so there is no harm from hence second-hand smoke. * The electromagnetic wave is shielded so as to avoid electromagnetic radiation. * Contains high-purity nicotine or no nicotine at all, designed based on the WHO-recommended Nicotine Replacement Therapy. * The nicotine content per electronic cigar cartridge is less than that of 20 ordinary cigars, and the state of discontinuous liquid supply specially designed prevents smokers from smoking continuously by this device, thus, reducing the use frequency and protecting the smokers health. * Working temperature: ambient from 5C to 42C, with a wide serviceable range.